A java program can be run in any computer running any operating system.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and
ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions

2.1 A java program can be run in any computer running any operating system.
2.2 The bitwise operators can operate on float type operands.
2.3 A subclass can be created which inherits only a few methods of the superclass.
2.4 The file class can be used to read and write data.
2.5 The terms BOLD, PLAIN, ITALIC specifies the type of a font.
2.6 Images can be used in creating JButton.
2.7 Container is a parent class of component.
2.8 BoxLayout Manager is always associated with the Box class.
2.9 Establishing a session is done through connection object.
2.10 Interaction diagrams describe how groups of objects collaborate in some behavior.

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