All functions of an abstract class must be abstract.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following
instructions therein.

2.1 All functions of an abstract class must be abstract.
2.2 Constructor should be called explicitly.
2.3 The body of the “for” loop executes before executing the test expression in “for” loop.
2.4 It is possible to inherit a new class from class template.
2.5 Object Oriented Programming language permits functional and data abstractions.
2.6 A class can have public data and private functions.
2.7 Operator overloading is called compile time polymorphism.
2.8 When an exception is thrown an exception class’s constructor gets called.
2.9 A pure virtual function can never have a body.
2.10 cerr and clog are standard streams of type ostream.

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