All primitive recursive functions can be solved iteratively.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following
instructions therein.

2.1 All primitive recursive functions can be solved iteratively.
2.2 Breadth – first search algorithm can only be used for undirected graph.
2.3 De-referencing operator * has the same effect when it is applied to a pointer or to a
2.4 Binary search performs efficiently on a linked list.
2.5 A symbol table can be constructed using binary tree.
2.6 A pre-order and post-order traversal sequence uniquely defines a tree.
2.7 If an undirected graph is of “n” vertices and “e” edges then the sum of degrees of all vertices is 2e.
2.8 The adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph consisting of “n” nodes but no edges is a
unit matrix.
2.9 Recursion cannot be removed without using a stack.
2.10 Pointers are used for dynamically allocated memory.

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