An escape sequence begins with a backward slash followed by an alphabetical character

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein

2.1 An escape sequence begins with a backward slash followed by an alphabetical character.
2.2 The for loop can be used only for the cases when the number of passes is known in
2.3 Let an array arr be a member of a structure s. If s is passed to a function, test as test(s), then the changes in arr, if any, by test will not be reflected in the calling function.
2.4 In a recursive function with local variables, a different set of local variables with the same name are created during each call.
2.5 Two enumeration constants defined in an enumeration definition can have same integral
2.6 The sizeof operator can only be used with variables that are allocated space using malloc() function.
2.7 If u is a union variable, then using isalpha(u) it is possible to know whether u is storing an alphabet or not.
2.8 If a file is created with fwrite() function, then it is valid to read it using fscanf() function.
2.9 NULL is a keyword in C.
2.10 A function name can be passed as an argument to another function.

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