can be used to find the shortest distance between given two nodes in a graph.

A. circular queue B. stack C. simple queue
D. band E. sparse F. many-to-many
G. one-to-many H. depth-first-search I. breadth-first search
J. log2 n K. n log2 n L. E / (n + 1)
M. Insertion N. Log2 n + 1 O. recursive
P. Compaction Q. N

4.1 Matrices in which non-zero entries tend to cluster around the middle of each row are
called __________ matrix.
4.2 A graph represents ________ relationship between nodes.
4.3 ___________ can be used to find the shortest distance between given two nodes in a
4.4 Time complexity of inserting an element to a heap of “n” elements is of the order of
4.5 If “E” is the total external length of a binary tree with “n” nodes then average number of comparisons for unsuccessful search is ________________.
4.6 _________ data structure may give overflow error, even though the current number of
elements in it is less than its size.
4.7 Conversion of infix arithmetic expression to prefix expression requires the use of
4.8 The minimum number of edges in a connected cyclic graph of “n” vertices is_________.
4.9 Linked list is preferred over an array for _________ operation.
4.10 Recursion often provides elegant solution to programming task but _______ function
chew up a lot of memory.

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