Class- 6th Sst-civics – ch-8

Class- 6th Sst-civics – ch-8

                                      question answer worksheet 

C- Answer in one or two sentences

Q 1. What does the word livelihood mean ?

Ans -all people have needs and wants . To satisfy their needs and wants ,people need a livelihood.

Q 2- why are farmers left unemployed for some part of the Year ?

Ans- during the lean months when there is no crop in the field they need to find other source of employment sometimes they even more to the cities in search of truth this movement ro migration are seasonal.

Q 3-what does a person engaged in animal husbandry do?

Ans- they rear cattle and sale their milk to people in the village to the village Cooperative or to nearby towns . some even rear sheep for their wool. Animals are also raised for their meat and skin.

Q 4-who is a street vendor give two examples.

Ans- several people earn their livelihoods by selling things in the streets they are known as Street vendors. For example vegetable vendors rickshaw pullers etc.

Q 5-who is a self employed professional ? give two examples.

Ans- trained professionals like doctor lawyer architecture and Accountants might choose to set up their own practice. they sell their service directly to the customer.

Q 6-what is the difference between wages and salary?

Ans- wages paid, usually daily or every week to a temporary worker for work done .

salary ,a fixed amount that is paid each month by their employer to an employee for work done

D. Answer in a paragraph

Q 1- Differentiate between primary secondary and territory occupations. Give two examples of each .

Ans- economic activity concerned with extracting raw material from the earth is called primary sector activity , activities concerned with processing raw material into finished good is called secondary sector activities , activity is concerned with providing services to people is called territory sectors activities

Q 2- Write a note on large farmers in India.

Ans-Large farmers on large tracts of land in the village did not cultivate the land them slaves instead they employ labours to do the work.

Q 3- In what ways are middle farmers different from large farmers ?

Ans- middle farmers own smaller tract of land which they cultivated themselves with the help of family members where as the large farmer do this all activities through labourers instead of themselves.

Q 4-describe the economic conditions of landless farmers .

Ans- landless farmers are exploited by the large farmers but they have to endure it as it is their main source of livelihood when there is no agricultural activity they find alternate source of employment in the village or they migrate to cities in search of temporary jobs.

Q 5-Analysis the recent trend of increasing rates of farmers suicide in India suggest some steps that can be taken to change the situation.

Ans- The recent trend of increasing the rate of farmers suicide in India the reason of their suicide are many and varied as accumulation of debt failure of crops inadequate supply of seed pesticides fertilizers irrigation facilities and availability of adequate relief measures during drought all floods.

One way to deal this crisis is to a shore farmers a minimum price at which their brain will be bought by the government this will free them from the clutches of unscrupulous intermediate who take a significant chunk out of the farmers profit

Q 6-write a note on the an organised and unorganised sectors in urban places highlighting the difference between the two .

ANS- Organised sector that part of the economy that consists of Enterprises that are registered with the government and follow the it’s rule and regulation worker here have fixed from of employment and stirred work whereas unorganised sector that part of the economy that consists of small scale Enterprises for units that are not registered with the government workers here are paid daily or weekly wages and have no security of work

Q 7-why do rural people migrate to cities? what are there living condition in cities?

Ans- several people move from village to cities, or migration due to various reason some of them are lake of educational and health facilities in villages insufficient income from agricultural activities lake of employment opportunities in the rural sector and acceptations of a better life in the cities  are the some reason for migration.

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