Functions can be called either by value or reference.

2.1 Functions can be called either by value or reference.
2.2 Comma operator is used for separation.
2.3 The size of a structure can be determined by both size of variable name and size of (struct tag).
2.4 While loop is post tested loop.
2.5 All of the following are valid expressions in C.
a = 2 + (b = 5);
a = b = c = 5;
a = 11 % 3;
2.6 A variable is a string that varies during program execution.
2.7 void (*ptr)() is a pointer to a function which receives nothing and returns nothing.
2.8 Calling a uninitialized variable will provide zero value.
2.9 C language cannot be used for database manipulation.
2.10 In the expression a=b=5 the order of Assignment is NOT decided by Associativity of

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