how to restart unix when server load is high

Here is the script to restart a server automatically if it’s load increases above a limit :

#!/usr/bin/ bash
LOAD=`uptime |awk '{print $NF}'`
LOADCOMP=`echo $LOAD \> 10 |bc -l`
if [ $LOADCOMP -eq 1 ]
then /sbin/shutdown -r 0

Use sudo if you have not permission

#!/usr/bin/ bash
LOAD=`uptime |awk '{print $NF}'`
LOADCOMP=`echo $LOAD \> 10 |bc -l`
if [ $LOADCOMP -eq 1 ]
then sudo /sbin/shutdown -r 0

Change the permisssion of file

# chmod 777
$ sudo chmod 777
  • Now we need to add this script to cron which will run every 2 minutes
  • Type crontab -e to open the cron input file.
  • Enter the following code to run the script we just created
*/2 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/public_html/scripts && sh ./ > /home/ubuntu/public_html/cronlogfile.log 2>&1

To check if cron is added succesfully run crontab -l to list all the crons

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