In C++, declaration can appear almost anywhere in the body of the function.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following
instructions therein.

2.1 In C++, declaration can appear almost anywhere in the body of the function.
2.2 A C++ function can return multiple values to the calling function.
2.3 Defining a class also creates objects.
2.4 Members of a class specified as private are accessible only to the functions of the class.
2.5 Destructors should be defined by class name or constructor name.
2.6 If a unary operator ++ is overloaded, it makes no difference if it is used as pre or post increment with an object.
2.7 A member function in a base class can be accessed by an object of its derived class.
2.8 Pointers to an int and float are same.
2.9 All functions in an abstract base class must be declared pure virtual.
2.10 Exception means out of the ordinary or deviating from the normal course.

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