In for loop, the body of loop contains only a semicolon is valid in C.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate
one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following
instructions therein.
2.1 Linker converts source program into machine code.
2.2 In for loop, the body of loop contains only a semicolon is valid in C.
2.3 main( ) is a library function defined in stdio.h file.
2.4 Floating point operand cannot be used with modulo operator.
2.5 C performs bound checking for array.
2.6 In C, every function must have return statement.
2.7 scanf( ) function cannot input character array with space.
2.8 Two pointer variables cannot be added or multiplied.
2.9 Only one character pointer is sufficient to store string containing 50 characters.
2.10 Return type of fseek( ) function is integer.

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