Prem Rawat’s Quotes

🌸Thought for the day🌸

See the good in you before you see the good in others. See the bad in you before you see the bad in others.
-Prem Rawat🌺🙏👆
"There is silence, then a beautiful symphony starts to play in our hearts. You hear yourself."
-Prem Rawat
Pay attention to the things that matter to you the most.
- Prem Rawat👆🌺🙏
The agenda for today is Joy
The agenda for today is Kindness
The agenda for today is Clarity
The agenda for today is Consciousness
The agenda for today is Fulfillment
-Prem Rawat

🌸Thought for the day🌸

Small things in life carry big meanings.
-Prem Rawat
🌸Thought for the day🌸

Fear dilutes clarity.
-Prem Rawat👆🙏🌺
Clear vision makes for an enjoyable journey.
- Prem Rawat🌺👆🙏
Understanding favors knowledge.
-Prem Rawat

🌸Thought for the day🌸

Aspire from the deepest place within you.
- Prem Rawat👏👆🌺
🌸Thought for the day🌸

The biggest part of the journey is the first step.
- Prem Rawat👍👏👆🌺

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