Same variable declared and assigned with different values in various nested blocks can be accessed by using

A. public B. namespace name C. constructor
D. istream& E. Standard Template
F. free store
G. stream& H. Local I. friend
J. class K. global L. Open
M compile-time N flush O run-time

4.1 Classes can be defined and used inside a function or a block. Such classes are called
as ________ classes.
4.2 Same variable declared and assigned with different values in various nested blocks can be accessed by using ________.
4.3 The class cannot have virtual ________, but can contain virtual destructor.
4.4 The new and delete are known as ________ operators.
4.5 The typeid operator is used to find the type at ________ of unknown objects.
4.6 The collection of generic classes and functions is called ________.
4.7 The flag ios::stdio is used to ________ stdout and stderr after insertion.
4.8 ________ functions have access to the private and protected members of a class.
4.9 To get benefits of virtual functions supporting runtime polymorphism, they should be
declared in the ________ section of a class.
4.10 The overloading of extraction operator for user defined types should have a return type of ________.

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