The remainder operator cannot be applied to floating point numbers.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and
ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions

2.1 In a scanf statement, all the arguments after the control string must appear with address operator (&).
2.2 There must be atleast one #include statement in a C program.
2.3 The remainder operator cannot be applied to floating point numbers.
2.4 A function can be defined within another function.
2.5 The life of static variable is till the control remains within the block in which it is defined.
2.6 Given float a[10], *pa; The statement pa = ++a will initialize pa to &a[1].
2.7 If a function has an array as an argument, then changes done to the contents of the array are visible in the calling function also.
2.8 The number of bytes returned on using the sizeof operator with a structure may not be always
 equal to the sum of the number of bytes occupied by the individual members of the structure.
2.9 The linked lists are non-linear homogeneous data structures.
2.10 A for loop can never be infinite.

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