Tips Message Template Guidelines for WhatsApp

  • Make your message template name clear. Instead of using a name like “template_014,” use “bus_ticket_details”.
  • Remember that someone outside of your business will be reviewing your message templates. Providing more clarity gives reviewers context around how the message template will be used.
  • All appeals for rejected message templates require a sample. You can appeal a rejected message template through Direct Support.
  • If you need to write a message template to reopen the 24-hour window, we suggest starting with some mention of the previous conversation thread:
    Example: “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to respond to your concerns yesterday but I’m happy to assist you now. If you’d like to continue this discussion, please reply with ‘yes’.” or “I was able to do some follow-up based on our previous conversation, and I’ve found the answer to your question about our refund policy. If you’d like to continue our conversation, please say ‘yes’.”

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