A train running at the speed of 60 km / hr crosses a pole in 30 seconds. What is the length of the train?


Speed of the train = 60 km/hr

Time is taken by a train of crossing a pole = 30 seconds

Concept used:

The distance travelled by train will be its length.

Formula used:

Distance = speed × time

1 km = 1000 metre

And 1 hour = 3600 seconds


Length of the train = 60 km/hr × 30 seconds

⇒ [(60 × 1000)/3600] × 30

⇒ (600 / 36) * 30

⇒ 500 meters

∴ The length of the train is 500 metres.

Alternate Method

Formula used:

Distance = speed × time

If we convert ‘km/hr’ in ‘m/s’ then we multiply ‘km/hr’ by (5/18)


Length of the train = 60 km/hr × 30 seconds

⇒ 60 × (5/18) × 30

⇒ (60 × 5 × 30)/18

⇒ 500 meters

∴ The length of the train is 500 meters.

Additional Information

If we convert ‘m/s’ in ‘km/hr’, then multiply ‘m/s’ by (18/5)

For example:

20 m/s = 20 × (18/5)

⇒ 20 m/s = 72 km/hr 

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