how activate WhatsApp business messaging permission in Facebook developer

Register your App

We recommend this setup to be done by someone with an admin role in the Business Manager containing your WhatsApp Business Accounts. This avoids permission errors.

  1. Register a Facebook app on the Facebook Developers website using your personal profile (don’t worry, the app will belong to the Business Manager in the end). Your app type needs to be Business or None to use the WhatsApp Business Management API. Find more information on App Types in the App Development documentation.
  2. Find your app ID. Go to, locate the app you have registered, and click on the app. A new screen opens up. Copy the App ID displayed on top of the page:
  3. Now go to{app-id}/settings/advanced to import the app into your Business Manager —replace {app-id} with the ID you got in Step 2. The Business Manager you use should contain your WhatsApp Business Accounts.
  4. Check for additional instructions in the app configuration, especially those related to GDPR that might apply to your specific case.

For more information about registering as a developer, creating your app, app roles, app modes, please see the App Development documentation.

App Review

When you initially register your app it will be set to Development mode. Apps in Development mode are automatically approved for all login permissions, features, and product-specific features for testing purposes. However, these permissions are limited —the app can only use those permissions to access data of users with roles in your app, like admins and developers.

In order to switch your Facebook app from Development mode to Live mode, it must go through App Review. If you want higher rate limits or would like to access a WhatsApp Business Account not in your Business Manager, you need to go through App Review.

Implementing the API

To make API calls to this API’s endpoints, you will need to do the following:

  1. Acquire an access token through a System User or Facebook Login.
  2. Be able to make API calls using the tool of your choice.

We recommend reading Using the Graph API to understand the API’s base concepts. After doing so, you will be more effective when consulting the WhatsApp Business Management API Reference to perform actions.

1. Acquire an Access Token Using a System User or Facebook Login

1.1 Deciding how to set up your system

Both Graph API and Marketing API calls require an access token to be passed as a parameter in each API call. This token can be acquired multiple ways, the following being the most common:

  1. Create a System User in your Business Manager and acquire a non-expiring token to be used for backend system integrations. This works for cases such as “a system from company X generates a weekly report on message volume from a certain WhatsApp Business Account without human intervention”.
  2. Use Facebook Login to acquire a user access token and request specific permissions. This is recommended when actions will be performed on behalf of a user, for example, “user X creates a new message template using a tool built by company Y”.

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