In an ER diagram single line represents partial participation of an entity in a relationship.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and
ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following
instructions therein.

2.1 In an ER diagram single line represents partial participation of an entity in a relationship.
2.2 Primary Key of a relation is minimum super key.
2.3 It is not allowed to insert duplicate records in database.
2.4 Placing Null values for an attribute is avoided as they do not have any specific meaning.
2.5 Group by is an example of aggregate function.
2.6 Modifying the database without ensuring that transaction will commit may leave database in a consistent state.
2.7 Tables in second normal form (2NF) eliminate all hidden dependencies.
2.8 A database is ordered collection of data.
2.9 A relation cannot have more than one key.
2.10 Union is a relational algebra operation.

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