Member function that operates on the data is called an object.

Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following
instructions therein.

2.1 Member function that operates on the data is called an object.
2.2 Lowercase and uppercase alphabets are mixed in variable names.
2.3 Input/output objects of C++ recognize enum data types.
2.4 Predefined variables can be used in function calls as arguments.
2.5 Objects can be furnished as function arguments.
2.6 It is possible to overload ‘+’ operator so that it can be used in string operations such as
x3=x1+x2, to perform concatenation.
2.7 Inheritance is identical to overloading.
2.8 It is always necessary to delete a pointer, set up by the new operator.
2.9 cout is called a predefined object of ostream class.
2.10 A constructor’s name is the same as class name.

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