mod_expires enable apache2

  1. Confirm that modules are enabled and working in Apache. Also when i write sudo a2enmod expires and sudo a2enmod headers I get a “module already enabled” (And I did restart Apache2)
  2. Double confirm that modules are enabled and working in Apache.To double check this I have also tried removing the <ifModule mod_expires.c> and <ifModule mod_headers.c> lines from my .htaccess file (and the end tags ofc.), to confirm that I can still load the page without getting a server. I have also confirmed that my .htaccess file is working, by writing some junk in it, which does kill my website. (i also have working RewriteRule’s in it)

So to summarize

  1. I am pretty sure the modules are installed and running.
  2. The htaccess file is working and being read by the server.
  3. I have inserted the code in the htaccess file as I should.

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